Uncluttered billboards achieve greater
success. Ideally, your billboard design
should consist of just 3 main components:
• Interesting image or photo
• Unique headline: 7 WORDS OR LESS
• Logo and or name
• NO lengthy contact info. Your billboard
directs customers to look you up!
Expert Billboard Design Tips ‘n’ Tricks

• High Contrast colours
• Bold is beautiful
• NO pastels

• Simple font choice
• Bold weight
• Avoid ALL CAPS

Large text is a must! Adds life to your message whilst making sure it can be read!

• Only use professional images or photos
• MUST have 300DPI minimum.
• Less is more. One great image is better than 5 average ones

Make only ONE point. That is all the time you have.

Ensure your billboard speaks one-on-one to their specific needs, just as you would with a friend.

Test your design on someone for 10-15 seconds. Can they read it?

Make it quirky or use story elements to entertain bored drivers

No one remembers DULL.